This year’s Summer Institute for The World As It Could Be at the University of San Francisco was a great success. We loved working with the participants, sharing thoughts on human rights, and being inspired by everyone’s presentations. Thanks so much to all the participants, and check out these pictures.
Participants brought items to create a gallery of art expressions that conveyed ideas about human rights, sharing their items with their stories of what these poems, photographs, books and songs meant to them.
Participants listen as Sarah Crowell of Destiny Arts leads a discussion to help them formulate their culminating presentations.
Listening to discussion
Participants rehearse their presentation for the Culminating Ceremony.
Rehearsing presentation
Rehearsing Culminating Ceremony
Participants prepare to rehearse their presentation for the Culminating Ceremony.
Scene from the Culminating Ceremony
Finale of Culminating Ceremony
Celebrating another successful Summer Institute: left to right, Visual Arts Presenter Alisha Wormsley, Movement/Performance
Presenter Sarah Crowell, Participant Victoria Strelnikova, Music Presenter
Judith May, Rex Foundation Executive Director Sandy Sohcot, and WAICB Administrator Violette Rodriguez Sofaer.