Sabrina Apodaca, poetBy Sabrina Apodaca

Women are equal to men.
She is only 79% as hardworking as a man,
Not capable of ever having high authority,
Belonging in the kitchen to stay busy with pots and pans.
But, women are equal to men.
Receiving an award for academic greatness
Only to be sent home for exposure,
Wearing the same style clothing as the boy beside her whom remained with no troubles.
Labeled a “delinquent” but a 4.0 student who is confident in her body.
But, women are equal to men.
Unwanted touches to her sides, hands, waist.
She begs for help, she wants an end.
“What were you wearing?”
“Boys will be boys, just let it go!”
She tries again and again,
Only to be caught at a dead end.
It is her fault for causing attention!
But, women are equal to men.
Men who walk around at any time with no worries,
Where women are too scared
To walk down the street at dusk,
In a hoodie and sweatpants.
But, women are equal to men.
She must compete with others for the man of her dreams,
Aspire to marriage, to care for her family
Before she even knows what love means.
But, women are equal to men.
He was released from jail early because it was too traumatizing,
Too harsh,
Too dehumanizing for such a young boy.
She was left crying,
Because she
Will not
Equal to a man.
A man whose only difference is body parts.
A man who is only a human being just as she.
We live in a time where men and women are on two different worlds,
But aren’t we all just a part of one

I am a woman
And I will not be your sexual object for use.
I am a woman
And I will not cover my body because you cannot control your own.
I am a woman
And I will not cook for you.
I am a woman
And I am not only here to give birth.
I am a woman
And I will not be forced to keep a child because I was taken advantage of.
I am a woman
And I will get a government job if I please.
I will wear what makes me feel confident.
I will have control over my own body.
I will not succumb to a man’s needs.
And I will live freely and happily because
I am a woman
And I AM
To a man.