Rex Foundation Executive Director Sandy Sohcot says: On Sunday, September 11th, I had the pleasure of meeting Henry Sidle at his home. I got to meet Henry’s parents, Jackie and Stuart, his younger brother Logan, and grandparents Jules and Susan. Jules enjoyed finding out that I, too, am a Deadhead, noting the three generations of Deadheads in the Sidle family.
After so many communications by e-mail and phone since last April, we all enjoyed finally getting to connect in person to share the positive results of our collaboration and continue to celebrate Henry’s accomplishments around his Bar Mitzvah that had just happened the day before.
It was very moving and meaningful to have such a special time with Henry, to enjoy hearing what it meant to him to be involved in using his creative talents to raise awareness about the UDHR and human rights, and doing so with the connection to the Grateful Dead community he cares so much about. I am deeply grateful.