Photos by Pat Steacy of USF from the Insitute, showing how participants used the creative arts to express human rights concepts and issues:
Bare human rights tree, before participants added the “leaves” of their reflections. Photo: Pat Steacy, USF
Anthony Ragone and Natalia Anciso with the human rights tree and its gallery of creative expression. Photo: Pat Steacy, USF
Some of the art made by participants to reflect aspects of human rights.
More of participants’ art reflecting human rights issues. Photo: Pat Steacy, USF
Photos by Natalia Anciso of the culminating ceremony, which addressed the issues
1. What does a human rights culture look like?
2. What does it mean to have the right to an education (as a teacher, as a student)
3. How are your rights connected to your responsibilities?
Telling the world… Photo: Natalia Anciso
Teachers, parents, human rights. Photo: Natalia Anciso
The right to an education–and who’s responsible for it. Photo: Natalia Anciso
Telling the world about human rights. Photo: Natalia Anciso
Culminating ceremony. Photo: Natalia Anciso
Group photo with human rights tree, following culminating ceremony. Photo: Natalia Anciso