In early August 2019 we were introduced to Mat Schwarzman of Meet Me at the Crossroads by Ellen Sebastian Chang. Ellen has been the Creative Director for TWAICB since 2006, when we presented The World As It Could Be – A Declaration of Human Rights.

Mat began our initial conversation with, “I love your work!” This conversation led to Mat arranging the October 2019 video interview, now featured here, where I got to sit in with Arroyo High School Teacher Kay Zimmerman, and Kay’s student Evelyn Engen, as they described their experience of using TWAICB curriculum as part of their class project to present the December Town Hall about the UDHR.

We are deeply honored to be one of the examples Mat has chosen to demonstrate the power of the arts to inspire positive community engagement. Mat’s worthy efforts to showcase different ways the arts can inspire positive social change help broaden our perspectives on how to we can all participate in our communities and have positive impacts, along with invaluable connections with others, both near and far.

Thank you for taking the time to watch the video and share with others, as well as to take in and share all that Mat is doing with Meet Me at the Crossroad.

Sandy Sohcot, Director of The World As It Could Be

In the new weekly video journal Meet Me at the Crossroads, veteran educator, theater artist and activist Mat Schwarzman invites peers, proteges and just plain folks for short, intimate conversations to answer one essential question: How can arts and culture help us create a better world? Schwarzman has more than 30 years experience building self-determination in youth, adults and communities through arts and culture, and is co-author of the widely read Beginner’s Guide to Community-Based Arts (New Village Press, 2017) with cartoonist Keith Knight.

Follow Meet Me At The Crossroads on Facebook!

Interviews with smart, passionate people about what they do and believe, with a focus on the arts, culture and social change.

Episode 1: THE WORLD AS IT COULD BE (“Town Hall”)

Learn more and download our curriculum.

Episode #2: THE WORLD AS IT COULD BE (“Rites of Passage”)