March 17, 2020 Letter By Rebecca Hoffberger
Founder & Executive Director of the American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
Letter by Rebecca Hoffberger, Founder & Executive Director of the American Visionary Art Museum, Baltimore, MD
March 17, 2020
For me and in all my 67 years, I think that this is the most grace-filled global experience and opportunity I’ve ever seen. A forced stillness, those who think their identity is their work – must stay home. The very rich who are often disproportionately insulated from suffering and calamity, have witnessed how, in just a few days of market panic, a vast portion of their wealth can disappear. The US emphasis on spending billions on a physical wall as a key to defense is rendered worthless next to the power of an invader so small we can’t even see it with our naked eyes, one that can proliferate on its own power, cross borders with ease, and traverse vast oceans, threatening fellow human beings of every stripe and on every continent – all in less than a couple months. My eldest daughter in Berlin Germany is hunkered down in her home, with Germany’s borders closed. What a gift we can speak by phone and we have the time to do so.
I believe that right now is the greatest globally shared awake experience since millions watched the first person walk on the moon. That famed event underscored our potential and illusion of conquering nature, this COVID 19 stresses our inherent and interconnected fragility and dependence on Nature as well as serves as powerful reset to contemplate what is truly most precious in our lives. No real shift to solving climate change can occur without a collective shift away from fossil fuel and petro based currencies and economies. At the same time that we respond to Corona virus, we see that the Saudis financially walloped Russia – a country so utterly financially dependent on their status as #2 oil producer in the world.
This is a new time of realizing we could globally cooperate and shift values and positive, wise actions can be won for all. It was prophesied that by 2025 there will be a transformational and beautiful global evolutionary leap forward. I feel this time of pause and rewrite collective reality is the first step. It already achieved having diehard anti-universal medical care politicians understand the vital importance of universal medical services for ALL if you wish a healthy and safe America. Stay tuned. There is ABUNDANT GRACE afoot. Rediscover family, friendship, neighbors, quiet hood. No hoarding. May Gentle care and sharing light ALL our way. – Rebecca